Library matplotlib

[matplotlib]How to Set rcParams

This article will show you what rcParam is and how to use it.


◆Overview of rcParams

  • What is rcParams ?
  • List of parameters in rcParams

◆Example of changing rcParams

  • How to change figure size
  • How to change font size
  • Example of changing multiple parameters

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What is rcParams ?

The default settings for matplotlib are stored in rcParams.

By changing the setting in rcParams, it will apply to all your plots.

Regarding plot settings, use function arguments for local changes and rcParams for global changes.

List of parameters in rcParams

I show list of parameters in rcParams.

By using "plt.rcParams", you can get the list of parameters in rcParams.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
RcParams({'_internal.classic_mode': False,
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          'boxplot.capprops.color': 'black',
          'boxplot.capprops.linestyle': '-',
          'boxplot.capprops.linewidth': 1.0,
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          'boxplot.flierprops.linewidth': 1.0,
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          'boxplot.flierprops.markersize': 6.0,
          'boxplot.meanline': False,
          'boxplot.meanprops.color': 'C2',
          'boxplot.meanprops.linestyle': '--',
          'boxplot.meanprops.linewidth': 1.0,
          'boxplot.meanprops.marker': '^',
          'boxplot.meanprops.markeredgecolor': 'C2',
          'boxplot.meanprops.markerfacecolor': 'C2',
          'boxplot.meanprops.markersize': 6.0,
          'boxplot.medianprops.color': 'C1',
          'boxplot.medianprops.linestyle': '-',
          'boxplot.medianprops.linewidth': 1.0,
          'boxplot.notch': False,
          'boxplot.patchartist': False,
          'boxplot.showbox': True,
          'boxplot.showcaps': True,
          'boxplot.showfliers': True,
          'boxplot.showmeans': False,
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          'boxplot.whiskerprops.color': 'black',
          'boxplot.whiskerprops.linestyle': '-',
          'boxplot.whiskerprops.linewidth': 1.0,
          'boxplot.whiskers': 1.5,
          'contour.corner_mask': True,
          'contour.linewidth': None,
          'contour.negative_linestyle': 'dashed',
          '': '%Y-%m-%d',
          'date.autoformatter.hour': '%m-%d %H',
          'date.autoformatter.microsecond': '%M:%S.%f',
          'date.autoformatter.minute': '%d %H:%M',
          'date.autoformatter.month': '%Y-%m',
          'date.autoformatter.second': '%H:%M:%S',
          'date.autoformatter.year': '%Y',
          'date.epoch': '1970-01-01T00:00:00',
          'docstring.hardcopy': False,
          'errorbar.capsize': 0.0,
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          'figure.constrained_layout.h_pad': 0.04167,
          'figure.constrained_layout.hspace': 0.02,
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          'figure.constrained_layout.w_pad': 0.04167,
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          'figure.figsize': [6.0, 4.0],
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          'figure.max_open_warning': 20,
          'figure.raise_window': True,
          'figure.subplot.bottom': 0.125,
          'figure.subplot.hspace': 0.2,
          'figure.subplot.left': 0.125,
          'figure.subplot.right': 0.9,
          '': 0.88,
          'figure.subplot.wspace': 0.2,
          'figure.titlesize': 'large',
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          'font.cursive': ['Apple Chancery',
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                           'Script MT',
          '': ['sans-serif'],
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                           'Humor Sans',
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                             'Computer Modern Typewriter',
                             'Andale Mono',
                             'Nimbus Mono L',
                             'Courier New',
          'font.sans-serif': ['DejaVu Sans',
                              'Bitstream Vera Sans',
                              'Computer Modern Sans Serif',
                              'Lucida Grande',
                              'Avant Garde',
          'font.serif': ['DejaVu Serif',
                         'Bitstream Vera Serif',
                         'Computer Modern Roman',
                         'New Century Schoolbook',
                         'Century Schoolbook L',
                         'ITC Bookman',
                         'Nimbus Roman No9 L',
                         'Times New Roman',
          'font.size': 10.0,
          'font.stretch': 'normal',
          '': 'normal',
          'font.variant': 'normal',
          'font.weight': 'normal',
          'grid.alpha': 1.0,
          'grid.color': '#b0b0b0',
          'grid.linestyle': '-',
          'grid.linewidth': 0.8,
          'hatch.color': 'black',
          'hatch.linewidth': 1.0,
          'hist.bins': 10,
          'image.aspect': 'equal',
          'image.cmap': 'viridis',
          'image.composite_image': True,
          'image.interpolation': 'antialiased',
          'image.lut': 256,
          'image.origin': 'upper',
          'image.resample': True,
          'interactive': True,
          'keymap.all_axes': ['a'],
          'keymap.back': ['left', 'c', 'backspace', 'MouseButton.BACK'],
          'keymap.copy': ['ctrl+c', 'cmd+c'],
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          'keymap.grid': ['g'],
          'keymap.grid_minor': ['G'],
          '': ['f1'],
          'keymap.home': ['h', 'r', 'home'],
          'keymap.pan': ['p'],
          'keymap.quit': ['ctrl+w', 'cmd+w', 'q'],
          'keymap.quit_all': [],
          '': ['s', 'ctrl+s'],
          'keymap.xscale': ['k', 'L'],
          'keymap.yscale': ['l'],
          'keymap.zoom': ['o'],
          'legend.borderaxespad': 0.5,
          'legend.borderpad': 0.4,
          'legend.columnspacing': 2.0,
          'legend.edgecolor': '0.8',
          'legend.facecolor': 'inherit',
          'legend.fancybox': True,
          'legend.fontsize': 'medium',
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          'legend.frameon': True,
          'legend.handleheight': 0.7,
          'legend.handlelength': 2.0,
          'legend.handletextpad': 0.8,
          'legend.labelspacing': 0.5,
          'legend.loc': 'best',
          'legend.markerscale': 1.0,
          'legend.numpoints': 1,
          'legend.scatterpoints': 1,
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          'legend.title_fontsize': None,
          'lines.antialiased': True,
          'lines.color': 'C0',
          'lines.dash_capstyle': 'butt',
          'lines.dash_joinstyle': 'round',
          'lines.dashdot_pattern': [6.4, 1.6, 1.0, 1.6],
          'lines.dashed_pattern': [3.7, 1.6],
          'lines.dotted_pattern': [1.0, 1.65],
          'lines.linestyle': '-',
          'lines.linewidth': 1.5,
          'lines.marker': 'None',
          'lines.markeredgecolor': 'auto',
          'lines.markeredgewidth': 1.0,
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          'lines.markersize': 6.0,
          'lines.scale_dashes': True,
          'lines.solid_capstyle': 'projecting',
          'lines.solid_joinstyle': 'round',
          'markers.fillstyle': 'full',
          '': 'sans:bold',
          '': 'cursive',
          'mathtext.default': 'it',
          'mathtext.fallback': 'cm',
          'mathtext.fallback_to_cm': None,
          'mathtext.fontset': 'dejavusans',
          '': 'sans:italic',
          'mathtext.rm': 'sans',
          'mathtext.sf': 'sans',
          '': 'monospace',
          'mpl_toolkits.legacy_colorbar': True,
          'patch.antialiased': True,
          'patch.edgecolor': 'black',
          'patch.facecolor': 'C0',
          'patch.force_edgecolor': False,
          'patch.linewidth': 1.0,
          'path.effects': [],
          'path.simplify': True,
          'path.simplify_threshold': 0.111111111111,
          'path.sketch': None,
          'path.snap': True,
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          'savefig.bbox': None,
          '': '~',
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          'savefig.jpeg_quality': 95,
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          'savefig.transparent': False,
          'scatter.edgecolors': 'face',
          'scatter.marker': 'o',
          'svg.fonttype': 'path',
          'svg.hashsalt': None,
          'svg.image_inline': True,
          'text.antialiased': True,
          'text.color': 'black',
          'text.hinting': 'force_autohint',
          'text.hinting_factor': 8,
          'text.kerning_factor': 0,
          'text.latex.preamble': '',
          'text.latex.preview': False,
          'text.usetex': False,
          'timezone': 'UTC',
          'tk.window_focus': False,
          'toolbar': 'toolbar2',
          'webagg.address': '',
          'webagg.open_in_browser': True,
          'webagg.port': 8988,
          'webagg.port_retries': 50,
          'xaxis.labellocation': 'center',
          'xtick.alignment': 'center',
          'xtick.bottom': True,
          'xtick.color': 'black',
          'xtick.direction': 'out',
          'xtick.labelbottom': True,
          'xtick.labelsize': 'medium',
          'xtick.labeltop': False,
          'xtick.major.bottom': True,
          'xtick.major.pad': 3.5,
          'xtick.major.size': 3.5,
          '': True,
          'xtick.major.width': 0.8,
          'xtick.minor.bottom': True,
          'xtick.minor.pad': 3.4,
          'xtick.minor.size': 2.0,
          '': True,
          'xtick.minor.visible': False,
          'xtick.minor.width': 0.6,
          '': False,
          'yaxis.labellocation': 'center',
          'ytick.alignment': 'center_baseline',
          'ytick.color': 'black',
          'ytick.direction': 'out',
          'ytick.labelleft': True,
          'ytick.labelright': False,
          'ytick.labelsize': 'medium',
          'ytick.left': True,
          'ytick.major.left': True,
          'ytick.major.pad': 3.5,
          'ytick.major.right': True,
          'ytick.major.size': 3.5,
          'ytick.major.width': 0.8,
          'ytick.minor.left': True,
          'ytick.minor.pad': 3.4,
          'ytick.minor.right': True,
          'ytick.minor.size': 2.0,
          'ytick.minor.visible': False,
          'ytick.minor.width': 0.6,
          'ytick.right': False})

As examples, some of the rcParams settings are shown below.

◆Figure size

'figure.figsize': [6.0, 4.0]

◆Font size

'font.size': 10.0


'': ['sans-serif']

◆Line style

'lines.linestyle': '-'

◆Line width

'lines.linewidth': 1.5

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[Example]How to change figure size

I will show examples of changing the setting in rcParams.

By changing "rcParams['figure.figsize']", you can change the figure size.

This is the example code before changing figure size.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 4, 100)
y = np.sin(x)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.plot(x, y)

The above code generates the following graph.

This is the example code.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [3, 3]

x = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 4, 100)
y = np.sin(x)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.plot(x, y)

The above code generates the following graph.

[Example]How to change font size

By changing "rcParams['font.size']", you can change the font size.

This is the example code before changing font size.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 4, 100)
y = np.sin(x)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.plot(x, y, label = 'sin')



ax.text(0, -0.8, 'text')


The above code generates the following graph.

This is the example code.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 20

x = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 4, 100)
y = np.sin(x)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.plot(x, y, label = 'sin')



ax.text(0, -0.8, 'text')


The above code generates the following graph.

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Example of changing multiple parameters

By using "rcParams.update( )", you can change multiple parameters.

As the arguments of "rcParams.update( )", specify the dictionary type parameters.

This is the example code.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

config = {
    '':['MS Gothic'],


x = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 4, 100)
y = np.sin(x)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.plot(x, y, label = 'sin')

ax.set_xlabel('X label', fontsize = 18)
ax.set_ylabel('Y label', fontsize = 18)

ax.set_title('Title', fontsize = 18)

ax.text(0, -0.8, 'Text',  fontsize = 14)


The above code generates the following graph.

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-Library, matplotlib